Quiz Night

123 A very successful Quiz Night was organised on July 1st 2016 to raise funds for Twinning. The questions were written  by Mary Harris and Mark Goldrup, both well known members of Bracknell Twinning. Over 40 people took part and enjoyed a ‘ploughman’s supper’. £320 was raised to support the activities of Twinning, supporting the links between our two communities.

Several of the participants took the opportunity to get to know each other before travelling to Leverkusen for our September visit.


Leverkusen Trip September 2016

Planned programme as of September 1st:

Thursday, 15.9.16:
18:00 h (approx) :
Arrival of guests at Church Hall in Leverkusen-Lützenkirchen, Lehner Mühle 8.
Welcome speech by chair of Twinning Society “Freundeskreises Bracknell-Leverkusen”, Mrs Renate Buchwald; distribution of printed information about the visit.
Informal talks whilst refreshments are served.
Travel to hosts and evening meal with families.

Friday, 16.9.16:
08:15 h: Meeting point: Church Hall Leverkusen-Lützenkirchen, Lehner Mühle 8.
Coach to Leverkusen Town Hall:
09:00 h:
Reception by Lord Mayor Richrath for guests and hosts. Photo-call with the Mayor.
10:00 h:
Departure to Ratingen, a medieval town near Düsseldorf. Guided city tour and visit of Cromford museum, led by an English lady living there. Break with coffee and cake.
German attendants: Renate Buchwald, Ursula Wittek, Marthe Blümel.
18:00 h:
Dinner in a typical brewery in Ratingen with home brewed beer.
20:00 h:
Coach back to Leverkusen.
21:00 h: Pick up by hosts at Church Hall in Leverkusen-Lützenkirchen, Lehner Mühle 8. (more…)