Quiz Night February 10th

126Bracknell Twinning Association is organising a Fund raising Quiz Night on February 10th 2017 at 7.30 pm at Braybrooke Hall, Makepiece Road, Bracknell RG12 2HF
The cost is £7 per ticket to include baked potato with tuna, cheese and beans.
Please bring your own drinks and glasses.
Mary Harris and Mark Goldup are again doing the questions for us.
The last quiz was very successful and a hugely enjoyable evening.
Please support us, bring your friends and sell as many tickets as possible.
Mary Temperton has the tickets. If you can contact her and tell her numbers that will be excellent.
Thank you.
See you there!

Tel: 01344 426191 E-mail: mary.temperton@bracknelltowncouncil.gov.uk

Merry Christmas

On behalf of the Freundeskreis Bracknell-Leverkusen I’ll send
to all our friends our best wishes for Christmas and happy New Year!
We are looking forward coming to Bracknell next June.

Renate Buchwald

It is the time of year to remember friends near and far. On behalf of the Bracknell Twinning Association, I send Seasonal Greetings to all our friends in Leverkusen and very best wishes for 2017. We have such excellent memories of our trip to Leverkusen last September and look forward to greeting you here in Bracknell in June. Our Towns have been linked for over 40 years and this friendship cannot be affected by the Brexit vote. My very best wishes to you all.

Mary Temperton
Chairman of Bracknell Twinning Association.

(Adventskranz from Sandy Lane Primary School, Bracknell)

Apple Harvest Day

Sunday 16th October 10:13 – 13:30 – Free Entry


Apple Harvest Day 16th October

Jealott’s Hill Community Landshare.

  • Pick your own orchard apples for a donation
  • Explore the 2.4 hectare (6 acre) site
  • Bric-a-Brac Stalls
  • Apple Juice pressing on site
  • Refreshments

Wells Lane, Warfield, Bracknell. RG42 6BQ

Leverkusen September 2016

“Many thanks to the Bracknell Twinning Committee for organising such an excellent trip that ran so smoothly. The members of the Freundeskreis Bracknell Leverkusen committee were amazing too: they planned a fantastic programme of trips, events and eating experiences.”


Bracknellstraße Leverkusen

“The camaraderie among the English guests and German hosts was lovely with lots of laughter – much caused by Freddy Jones’ jokes! A true experience of friendship between nations which we would be well advised to continue through twinning.”

We will publish a fuller report here.

Play the slide-show….  (Online powerpoint show)

Quiz Night

123 A very successful Quiz Night was organised on July 1st 2016 to raise funds for Twinning. The questions were written  by Mary Harris and Mark Goldrup, both well known members of Bracknell Twinning. Over 40 people took part and enjoyed a ‘ploughman’s supper’. £320 was raised to support the activities of Twinning, supporting the links between our two communities.

Several of the participants took the opportunity to get to know each other before travelling to Leverkusen for our September visit.


Leverkusen Trip September 2016

Planned programme as of September 1st:

Thursday, 15.9.16:
18:00 h (approx) :
Arrival of guests at Church Hall in Leverkusen-Lützenkirchen, Lehner Mühle 8.
Welcome speech by chair of Twinning Society “Freundeskreises Bracknell-Leverkusen”, Mrs Renate Buchwald; distribution of printed information about the visit.
Informal talks whilst refreshments are served.
Travel to hosts and evening meal with families.

Friday, 16.9.16:
08:15 h: Meeting point: Church Hall Leverkusen-Lützenkirchen, Lehner Mühle 8.
Coach to Leverkusen Town Hall:
09:00 h:
Reception by Lord Mayor Richrath for guests and hosts. Photo-call with the Mayor.
10:00 h:
Departure to Ratingen, a medieval town near Düsseldorf. Guided city tour and visit of Cromford museum, led by an English lady living there. Break with coffee and cake.
German attendants: Renate Buchwald, Ursula Wittek, Marthe Blümel.
18:00 h:
Dinner in a typical brewery in Ratingen with home brewed beer.
20:00 h:
Coach back to Leverkusen.
21:00 h: Pick up by hosts at Church Hall in Leverkusen-Lützenkirchen, Lehner Mühle 8. (more…)

Leverkusen September 2014

lev17In September 2014 the Bracknell twinning Association organised a 4 day coach visit to its partner city, Leverkusen. Formed from several smaller towns Leverkusen sits on the northern edge of Cologne in the German province of North Rhine Westphalia.

Guests were made exceedingly welcome staying with families. A number of events and visits were arranged including a visit to the Landesgartenschau (a huge garden festival) at the nearby ancient Roman town of Zülpich. We were then officially welcomed at an evening buffet by the Lord Mayor and entertained by a local choir.

The Leverkusen Historical Society (OGV) was host to a major exhibition tracing the fates of European cities 1914-1918. The party met representatives from the other cities twined with Leverkusen.

A visit to Bonn (a short distance south on the Rhine) included wine-tasting lunch at a famous vintners in Rhöndorf where Konrad Adenauer used to sit on the cellar steps contemplating the renaissance of Western Germany – sipping a glass of the local wine. This was followed by a visit to the excellent historical exhibition in the “Haus der Geschichte” presenting German history from 1945 until the present.

A further session of historical delights allowed the group to select themed visits around the region looking at architecture and art. An important part of the visits was the availability of English speaking guides throughout. Although there were several members keen to improve their German.
